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Spring 2023 

Winter Wrap-Up, Hello Spring!

The 2022-2023 London Skating Club Board of Directors is sharing this newsletter to keep active club members in "the loop". We hope you enjoy it.

Feel free to send any comments, suggestions or contributions to the club communications director (and newsletter editor) Andrea Henning. To reach out to anyone on the board, please contact

Upcoming Events

April 17: Spring Session Begins

April 24, April 30, May 7: Synchronicity Adult Auditions

June 11: AGM and Awards Night at Earl Nichols




Great Lakes Competition

Great Lakes Banner

The Family Day long weekend in February saw the London Skating Club host Great Lakes – London 2023-Provincial Series #12 Event in conjunction with Skate Ontario.

The event saw hundreds of skaters from across the province competing at Nichols Arena.

The event feedback was very positive and it couldn’t have been done without our Great Lakes Organizing Committee which consisted along with myself of Cathy Alguire, Erin Scherrer and Sandi Donald. 
Thank you to all the many, volunteers who also helped for countless hours that weekend.  We truly appreciate all your help.

To our many sponsors:  Tourism London, City of London, Foxwood Homes, Winmar, Toyotatown, Farmer Family, Impressions Printing & Culinary Catering, your additional support is much appreciated.
Details on Great Lakes will be given out at the London Skating Club AGM in June, but from early indications, this was one of our best events yet to host.

To our charity partners Defeat Duchenne Canada and the London & Area Chapter of Muscular Dystrophy, we are happy to say that we will have a donation to announce shortly from the event for both charitable organizations.
Again, my heartfelt appreciation is extended to all for making this event so successful.

Kelly Farmer, Event Chair, Great Lakes London 2023.

Defeat Duchenne


The winter CanSkate season has come to an end with fantastic improvements from all skaters in the program.
If it was a check mark on an element, a completed ribbon, or badge, everyone has improved this winter season.
It so nice to see our littles in PreCanSkate up and at it on the ice and many rotating to the various groups on many sessions with the older skaters.

We have had several skaters complete the CanSkate Stage 6 of CanSkate and are ready to move into the Star program.  Congratulations!

To our teen/adult skaters, keep up the great work.  It’s very rewarding to see our teen/adult skaters taking to the sport that we all love so much.

Overall it has been great to be able to see all programming through to the winter season with no interruptions. It’s been a couple of years since we can say that.

To our CanSkate Supervisors, Coach Jenn, Emma, Eleonore, and Kelly, our Program Assistants, and table helpers, thank you so much for all your hard work and dedication to the CanSkate Program.

Looking forward to a short break and seeing everyone this spring!

Kelly Farmer, CanSkate Coordinator, London Skating Club

PreStar and Star1-3 (Groups)

The 2022/23 season is the first time since 2020, that the London Skating Club has been able to offer the PreStar and Star 1-3 groups. Sessions ran on Thursday evenings to a full house of skaters.

It was great to see the PreStar (Stage 5/6) skaters working so hard and being able to benefit from a more advanced form of learning with some additional challenges from being with the Star 1-3 skaters.  You rose to the challenge and have done a fantastic job.

The Star 1-3 skaters had a very busy session each week working hard for all 1:20 on the ice.
Skating Skills, Stroking, Dance and Free Skate were all covered by the group coaches.
Many assessment levels were achieved and some even attended their first high test day with great results.  Congratulations skaters!

Thank you for Co-supervisors, Coach Casey and Jenn for running such a tight ship on the ice and to coaches Bill and Rhianna for all your help throughout the season, and to PA Nayde, we couldn’t have done it without you.
Looking forward to seeing the continued progress of skaters in the spring season.

Kelly Farmer, Coordinator, PreStar-Star 1-3 (Groups), London Skating Club


Jack D represented LSC at provincials. Congratulations Jack!



After a successful winter session we are excited to be offering three power skating programs again for spring: Intro, Advanced and Elite. Through these programs we are able to accommodate players of all ages and skill level to help them improve their edgework, speed and agility. 

This program is led by coach Paul MacLean, whose years of precision technique and skill, along with his attention to detail and love of the sport, make him a motivated and driven coach. 

Come and experience the power program and watch your players grow and develop.


For our Synchronicity teams, the months of January through March are always a busy whirlwind! We started off 2023 with a Gala performance on January 7th at Western Fair for friends and family. All of our teams had beautiful performances and it was also a great send off celebration for our Junior team as they headed to Nationals the following week. The generosity of our Synchronicity family and friends shone through as hundreds of donations were collected for the London Abused Women’s Shelter instead of collecting admission for the Gala. Thank you! The volunteers at the shelter were amazed by all the donations!
-          Our Junior team finished off their season at the Nationals event in Oshawa at the beginning of January. This historic moment was the first Canadian competition that combined all skating disciplines into one event, singles, pairs and now synchronized skating. Our Junior team skated their short and free programs beautifully and we are so proud of them! Their hard work and dedication throughout the season paid off! Way to go! 
-          Also in January, our Juvenile, Intermediate, Open, Adult 1 and Adult 2 teams all skated in Synchro Series 3 in Kingston. They all had wonderful skates, and our Adult 1 team came home with a Gold medal! Congratulations! 
-          A short three weeks later, our teams, including Star 4, skated at the Synchro Series 4 in Oakville. Competition was tight and our teams worked hard and continued to improve their scores. Our Star 4 team took home the bronze medal! 
-          In February, the London Skating Club hosted the Great Lakes competition and our Star 3 and Star 4 teams had the opportunity to compete in their home town rink! Both of these teams skated in the Star 4 category and we are so proud of them. Our Star 4 team won another bronze medal, and our Star 3 team placed 5th! 
-          To finish off the month of February, our Open team travelled to Calgary, Alberta to compete in the Canada Cup against other teams from across Canada. Congratulations to these wonderful skaters for a job well done representing Synchronicity. 
-          For our Adult 2 team, their year end event took them to Ottawa to compete the Adult Champs competition. A job well done to this team also! 
-          In mid-March, our Star 3 and Star 4 teams participated in the Rising Stars Gala, a fun event for the Star 3 and Star 4 teams from various clubs in our surrounding area. There was pin trading, professional photos, and of course an opportunity to skate their programs one more time. A fun day, enjoyed by everyone! 
-          Finishing off the last of the competitions for the season was our Juvenile team, who travelled to Stratford, Ontario to compete in the Provincials championship. This team has had a lot of fun together and ended off their season with smiles, hugs and a few tears as well. 

A huge THANK YOU to our coaches, skaters, team managers and committee members, family and friends for the endless support and dedication to this wonderful sport! 

And just as one season wraps up, the preparation for the next Synchronicity season starts up as team tryouts have begun! If you are interested in learning more about joining one of our Synchronicity teams, please send an email to! 


Adult 1 Gold Medalists in Kingston


Pre-Juvenile Action Shot






Some Select skaters participated in the local Great Lakes Competition. Mya S place 2nd in Star 9 U14 and 1st in Juvenile U12. Madylinn L placed 2nd in Juvenile U14. Carly C placed 3rd in Star 7 U12 and 3rd in Pre-Juvenile U13. Four Select skaters qualified for Provincials as shown in the photos below.  

LSC Board of Directors

The London Skating Club is a non-profit organization operated entirely with the support of a volunteer Board of Directors. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) and Awards Night will take place on June 11. More details will be announced soon. 

We are looking for more board members for the 23/24 season. The Board is group of volunteers who shares their expertise and time in support of ensuring that LSC provides the best possible experience for our community of skaters, their parents/guardians and skating enthusiasts. The Board meets once a month to organize and oversee programming, special events, fundraising, etc. To reach out to anyone on the board, if you are interested in joining or would like to learn how our skating club is run, contact: 

 The full list of the board members is available at this link: Board of Directors.


Many skaters participated in the most recent high test day in March. 

The following skaters passed STAR levels during the Winter 2023 session. 


Star 10 Dance: Westminster Waltz    
        Avery C
Star 10 Skills    
        Lydia Z
Star 9 Dance: Paso Doble    
        Natalia M
Star 7 Skills    
        Emma S
        Madilyn L
Star 7 Dance: American Waltz    
        Amelia F
        Ema Y
        Emma S
Star 7 Dance: Foxtrot    
        Avery A
        Caley B
        Lauren S
        Alyssa L
        Marah B
Star 6 Skills    
        Jack D
        Carly C
        Marah B
Star 6 Dance: Ten-Fox    
        Emma W
        Selena B
Star 6 Dance: Fourteenstep    
        Sara S
Star 6 Dance: European Waltz    
        Mikaela F
Star 5 Dance Elements     
        Emma W
Star 5 Dance: Willow    
        Amy Z
Star 4 Dance: Swing Dance    
        Valeria R
        Chunyi H
        Clara E

Star 4 Dance: Fiesta Tango     
        Valeria R
Star 3 Skills    

        Emma W
        Valeria R
        Kyah P
Star 3 Freeskate Elements    
        Jessica K              
        Cherry Q
Star 3 Freeskate Program    
        Lauren S
        Alyssa L
Star 3 Dance: Baby Blues    
        Ava C
        Isaac R
Star 3 Dance Elements    
        Clara E
        Isaac R
Star 2 Skills    
        Valeria R
        Ava C
Star 2 Freeskate Elements    
        Emma W
Star 2 Freeskate Program    
        Emma W
        Cherry Q
Star 2 Dance: Canasta Tango    
        Danica H
Star 2 Dance: Dutch Waltz     
        Kaylee B
Star 1 Skills    
        Katie V
Star 1 Freeskate Elements    
        Hannah W
        Isaac R
        Gwen O
Star 1 Dance Elements    
        Dara B
        Kaylee B
        Katie V

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