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London Skating Club - Code of Conduct


Ice Etiquette


  1. Good sportsmanship is expected at ALL TIMES.
  2. Doors to the ice surface, including areas to the benches, must be closed and latched at all times when not in use.
  3. Skaters performing Solos and Dances with music have priority on the ice and right-of-way. Second priority are skaters who are receiving a lesson, and finally skaters who are practicing.
  4. Spins are to be practiced in the centre of the ice between the 2 blue lines and the 4 red circles. Only spin outside this area of you are in a solo run-through with music playing.
  5. All jumps are to be practiced at the ends of the ice unless skater is in a solo run-through with music playing.
  6. If you fall, get up immediately! Safety is always important.
  7. Do not stand in the centre of the ice – keep moving at all times. If you need a water break, you are to stand at the boards.
  8. Priority for music is given to professional coaches.
  9. Music must be played at an acceptable noise level where instruction can still be heard and understood with ease.
  10. No earbuds are to be worn by skaters – no exceptions.
  11. Skaters doing solos have the right of way. Be aware of who is skating a solo and stay out of the way.
  12. If you are skating to or from the boards remember to do so quickly and always look left and right before heading into traffic!
  13. Only plastic water bottles are allowed on the boards. Please remove all belongings when leaving the ice. No gum chewing or eating permitted.
  14. Please be polite and respectful to other skaters and coaches on the ice.
  15. Work hard and have FUN!!!

The use of profane language is unacceptable. All LSC members must show respect to all coaches, skaters and volunteers at all times. Each skater must act with due regard and consideration for others, both on the ice and off the ice. Failure to do so, as judged by the Session Convenor will result in immediate removal of the offending skater from the ice and/or arena for a period of time up to the end of that session. 

Parents of skaters are responsible for the behaviour of their children during all sessions. Ice etiquette rules are in effect at all times. Failure to abide by the above rules may result in the offending skater being removed from the ice. Continuous or flagrant abuse of the Ice Etiquette rules may result in the expulsion from the club.


Safety and Security 

No pushing, tripping, horseplay or intentional interference with other skaters is permitted on the ice or elsewhere in or about the arena. All skaters should use the full ice surface during Free Skate and are not to congregate in one area (no socializing). All skaters, Professional Coaches and others must leave the ice when the ice resurfacing machine is on the ice and shall not return until the ice resurfacing machine has left the ice surface. Parents are requested to remain off the ice surface unless specifically requested to do so by a Professional Coach or the Session Convener. Money and valuable should not be left in the dressing rooms. The club bears no responsibility for the loss or theft of such. 

Skater Conduct

Dressing rooms and other areas around the arena are to be left clean and all garbage picked up. All skaters are expected to comply with the London Skating Club, Western Ontario Section, and Skate Canada CODE OF CONDUCT. Skaters representing the Club at any function or competition are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable and responsible manner. Any Club member defacing the CLUB or public property or other skater’s personal property will, at the discretion of the Board be subject to suspension. Anyone caught in the act of theft of any properties will be subject to disciplinary actions up to and including the cancellation of membership as well as prosecution to the full extent of the law. The illegal use of alcohol or drugs by any member or employee of the London Skating Club during London Skating Club activities, either, at home or away will result in suspension or dismissal of the member or employee from the London Skating Club at the discretion of the Board of Directors.




Athletes will NOT be allowed to register until Rowan's Law has been read and accepted. As of July 1st, 2019 the Ontario government is implementing “Rowan’s Act”; a concussion awareness law that requires athletes age 26 & under and parents of athletes under 18 years of age must confirm that they have reviewed the Government of Ontario Concussion Awareness Resources and Skate Ontario’s Concussion Code of Conduct for Athletes and Parents/Guardians.

What this means for ALL skaters/parents: If you have registered for any program with our club, including Power skating,  you will need to read and accept the Rowan’s Law Acknowledgement  

If you have any questions, please contact the club.


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