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Christmas Fundraisers 

Gunn's Hill Artisan Cheese - London Skating Club Fundraiser


The London Skating Club is excited to once again partner with Gunn's Hill Artisan Cheese for fundraising! This is a joint fundraising opportunity which means LSC will split the 33% donation of all sales (75/25) with the participating family (to be credited to skaters account.) If you choose to sell Cheese and or Poinsettias, the profit for each are as follows: Gunn’s Hill Cheese profit is 33% to be split. For every poinsettia the profit is 40% to be split.

Please download the Cheese Order Form & the Pointsettia Fundraiser - Order Form  and descriptions of the gift baskets and cheeses.

Please use 1 form per family. Forms can be completed and emailed to

All payments must be sent by e-transfer by November 25, 2023 and can be sent to Please add a note to the e-transfer indicating the payment is for the Gunn's Hill Cheese Fundraiser.

Orders will be ready to be picked up on Thursday, December 7th. 4-9 pm Pickup information will be sent by e-mail and posted on the London Skating Club Facebook page. Please arrange for pick up at that time. We cannot store items past this time frame.

Thanks for your support!

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